Electronic Invoicing Services
FatturePA is a service provided by Melograno
By subscribing to the service, the Customer delegates MELOGRANO to carry out on his behalf the role of Intermediary in relations with the Exchange System (SDI) aimed at electronic invoicing.
By virtue of this delegation, MELOGRANO provides the User, through the web portal www.fatturepa.biz, access to a set of computerized services for the execution of the following operations:
Loading of invoices to be transmitted by the User. The loading methods available to the User are various: typing a single invoice by filling in the relevant form, uploading one or more invoices, one or more invoices as attachments of a message to a specified PEC address. For large volumes, it is possible to automate the sending and receiving of electronic invoices via SFTP or Web Services. There are also workflow features to allow you to transform and enrich invoice data to automate their acquisition in management systems.
When the customer is not able to produce the XML-SDI directly, MELOGRANO extracts the contents from the invoices (typically in PDF format) and generates their version in the format requested by SDI. On the occasion of the loading of the first invoice, the MELOGRANO service obtains the model (template) which will serve to facilitate the processing of subsequent invoices issued by the same User. Any incorrect or non-compliant invoices are intercepted by the system and returned to the User with a set of diagnostic information for their correction.
Forwarding of invoices in SDI format and subsequent dialogue with the Exchange System. The MELOGRANO service digitally signs the invoices generated and forwards them through its own channel to the SDI, where it is accredited. Subsequently, the system intercepts notifications and outcomes from the SDI relating to each invoice submitted and associates them with the invoice itself in order to provide the User with a complete and updated view of the progress of the process.
Reception of Supplier Invoices through our SDI channel and their conversion into a readable and printable format
Monitoring dashboard for viewing the status of invoices. Finally, the MELOGRANO service includes web access by each User to its own monitoring dashboard which tracks the batches of invoices that have been loaded and shows the progress of each invoice, from the moment it was taken into charged upon acceptance by the destination PA, including any anomalies found or errors whose correction is requested.
The portal, if the relevant services are subscribed, also integrates the NSO order transmission and reception functions.
Through these activities, the MELOGRANO service performs the tasks of Issuer and Transmitter of invoices via SDI.
The MELOGRANO service automatically provides for the digital preservation of the invoices processed. For this service he has chosen to rely on various conservatories, all AGID accredited and transparently integrated with the service.
NSO Service (Order Sorting Node) and PEPPOL
The service offered by MELOGRANO allows registration on the NSO / PEPPOL network and provides a cloud platform, uniform and integrated with that of Electronic Invoicing but also usable independently, for the reception of orders and their representation in legible and printable format. For Emilia Romagna it is also possible to convert DDT to PDF in XML / PEPPOL format and send them to PA customers.
Advanced services
Both for electronic invoices (especially for those received from suppliers) and for NSO, advanced optional functions are available that allow the conversion of the XML received in a format loadable in your ERP / MANAGEMENT by converting the encodings and allowing, also through self-learning , to integrate the missing information (e.g. counterparts, cost centers, etc.).
It is also possible to use MELOGRANO also only for the Digital Preservation service (not only for invoices but for any type of document)
Il prezzo è essenzialmente determinato dal numero di fatture all'anno e dal formato nel quale il cliente le invia (pdf, xml o caricamento manuale tramite un sistema di crediti da pre-acquistare con costi calati in relazione ai volumi).
Per un preventivo o per informazioni scrivi a commerciale@melogranocs.it
Sì, e il servizio, fornito tramite un conservatore accreditato AGID, è incluso nel canone base per 10 anni ed è automatico
No, il canone che paghi per l’anno in corso include la conservazione per 10 anni (anche in caso decidessi di lasciare il servizio), gli anni successivi pagherai in base alle sole fatture gestite nell’anno di riferimento.
Dopo l'obbligo di fatturazione elettronica esteso a tutti i soggetti (con pochissime eccezioni) non è più necessario.
Potrebbe comunque essere comodo: parlane con il tuo fiscalista
Chiedici un preventivo o di contattarti scrivendo a commerciale@melogranocs.it o rivolgiti ad un nostro rivenditore.
Sì. Per formati diversi da XML-SDI è richiesto un connettore custom che viene quotato su richiesta (in genere si tratta di cifre contenute)
Sì, se puoi mandarci un pdf vettoriale (è quello normalmente generato dai gestionali) la qualità del riconoscimento è ottima ma anche delle scansioni di buona qualità possono essere gestite senza problemi.
Di solito molto poco: vanno aggiunti i campi obbligatori eventualmente mancanti e fatti piccoli aggiustamenti se necessari (mandateci alcuni esempi e vi daremo un indicazione precisa degli interventi necessari)mailto://commerciale@melogranocs.it
Scrivici a commerciale@melogranocs.it